Huwebes, Enero 26, 2012

How To Get Rid Of Redness From Acne

After you’ve finished fighting off an acne infection, it often leaves behind a reminder in the form of acne redness. This is a natural result of the healing process, but can still be annoying! Fortunately, many acne home remedies will work on acne redness as well. If you’re ready to stick some food on your face, you too can restore your natural complexion.

Lemon juice in particular is helpful against both acne and acne redness. Get some fresh lemon juice (either on its own or diluted with 50% water) and dab it on your face using a cotton ball or a Q-tip;  let it sit for twenty to thirty minutes and then rinse it off with cold or lukewarm water. This removes excess oil from your face. It also helps clean off your face, so if you decide to use another technique – cleaning your face with a clove of garlic, cut in half – you may want to follow it up with some lemon juice.

Want to use drugs? One option is tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride, which constricts blood vessels; to use it, get some Visine red eyes and use a cotton swab to apply it to the skin where you have acne redness. Still fighting acne? You can use hydrogen peroxide, which you’ll find in your medical cabinet in a brown bottle. You need to make sure that you dilute it to no more than a 3% solution, or you disk burning your skin; additionally, you must be very careful to avoid getting it in your eyes or mouth (or anything, really). This dries out the skin, so it’s similar to (but more efficient than) putting toothpaste on your face; in both cases, you need to avoid overdoing it, as repeated use can lead to overly dry skin and premature aging.

If all else fails, you can always wear a Halloween mask for the season..

Dealing With Cold Or Mold Symptoms

It’s interesting how a lot of folks freak out when they see mold in their home. All of the sudden their cold symptoms turn into mold symptoms, because of the presence of mold in their home. This is simply not true most of the time. However, it is something that you have to take seriously, because mold can and will affect your health. Most mold causes some common respiratory problems such as those suffered by people with a cold. You can suffer from some congestion in your throat and nose. A lot of people are really concerned about mold in their home, because they are familar with the lethal effects of some black mold symptoms.

It’s very common to freak out when you discover that you are suffering from respiratory issues due to mold. There is a large population of people that are afraid that they are actually dealing with black mold symptoms. The reality is that black mold is extremely rare and you are probably reacting to another strain of mold. However, you can never be really sure you are not dealing with black mold. As mentioned before, common symptoms to mold deal with coughing and congestion. If you are suffering from black mold symptoms, you are going to see those symptoms reoccurring over and over again. Each time that those symptoms come back, you are going to feel more and more sick. This is due to the toxicity of the mold. This can lead to sickness and even death.

If you have a serious infestation in your home, then you need to hire some mold specialists. They can come in and remove the mold safely under government regulations for mold removal. This way, you don’t have to worry about spreading mold spores around your home and making your family sicker.

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne

Believe it or not, it is highly possible to use apple cider vinegar for acne. Take note that it is an effective skin detoxifying agent and possesses excellent properties to cleanse and purify the skin. If you feel that your acne problem is being unnecessarily aggravated by toxins accumulated in the body because of poor diet, you can assist your body perform better and remove acne by applying apple cider vinegar or ACV.

Studies also claim that cider vinegar when applied on the skin effectively treats acne due to it being rich in AHA or alpha hydroxy acids. Take note that these help dissolve fat deposits on the surface of the skin and thereby decrease scaly skin conditions. All in all, cider vinegar promotes a smooth and softer skin appearance. It also helps regulate the skin’s pH level.

ACV can also be utilized as a treatment to remove blemishes by including it in a toner mixture. It also decreases swelling and helps keep the affected area dry. It also reduces clogged pores and make the skin more refined. Also, when it is applied on the skin, it carries a mild pungent scent so it is best to place it on the skin during the night prior to going to sleep so you can easily wash it off come morning. It could also be taken internally as a tonic.

To be able to test if apple cider vinegar is best for your skin and does not cause allergy, place a bit underneath your chin and let it remain there for at least fifteen minutes. If your skin does not react, you are highly likely not allergic. However, if you find it still too strong, you can mix it with water. You can begin with a low amount of ACV whilst increasing the proportion steadily upon constant use. Expect to experience a bit of redness and tingling. You can rinse off the vinegar from your skin and decrease its quantity if you find it too strong.

For best results, make sure to purchase raw apple cider vinegar due to the enzymes it possesses. Processed cider vinegar loses some of its properties, which can make it ineffective.